At Belvidere School, we aim to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to thrive in learning and work. We recognise the important contribution Careers Education makes to raising aspirations and supporting the successful transition into adulthood and employment, therefore it is increasingly becoming embedded into all aspects of our curriculum and culture of education within the Academy. The Belvidere 5-year Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) journey ensures that students are inspired and equipped to make informed decisions about their life beyond secondary school, that it is relevant in supporting their longer-term goals.
How we do this
We provide a varied Careers Education and Support programme, delivered across both Key stage 3 and 4, and work to the Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI Framework to ensure this is meaningful and impactful.
Our programme supports the following:
- The transition to life beyond Belvidere, including Post-16, Post-18 and beyond
- A successful move into further education, apprenticeships or training
- Making ambitious and informed decisions
- Opportunities to encounter further education and the world of work
- The development of employability skills and personal attributes, including resilience, communication skills, leadership, creativity and innovation
- A positive mindset that leads to aspiration and achievement
- Equality of opportunity, the challenging of stereotypes and celebration of diversity
- The availability of guidance to help students reach their potential
- Belvidere Destination Report 2022
- Belvidere Destination Report 2023
- Belvidere School CEIAG Policy 2024
- KS3 Career Map Website
- KS4 Career Map Website
- School Provider Access Policy 2023
Belvidere School will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students in a variety of ways. We use a programme called Compass+, as the tool to help us benchmark, manage, track and report on our school’s careers programme. We will also gain feedback through questionnaires, student voice, Alumni and analysing destinations data. Feedback questionnaires will be conducted, for example, after large whole-school career events and through whole school parent surveys.