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Belvidere School

Homework Guidelines


  • Please make sure that you fully understand the homework instructions that have been set and ask your teacher for help if you are not sure. 
  • Plan your time effectively; try to do your homework as soon as possible on the night it is set and do not leave it until the last minute. Make sure that it is all handed in on time as well as doing your best with all of it. 
  • If you do not understand your homework, please speak to your subject teacher at the first opportunity; please do not leave this until the last minute, in order to ask for help. 
  • Homework is not optional and teachers will check that it is being completed. Failure to complete homework will be seen as a cause for concern and sanctions, such as detentions may be used. If you are absent when it is due to be handed in, then you are expected to hand it in to your teacher at the next possible opportunity.
  • Homework will also be recorded on our Go4Schools platform. This is an online system which we use to track the attendance, progress, achievement, behaviour and homework of our students. Each child and parent / carer has a unique login to be able to see your homework. Students and parents/carers can also use the Go4Schools App to track and monitor the homework that has been set each week.