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Belvidere School


The Purpose of Homework 

  • To reinforce, revise, review and extend work done in class 
  • To show progress and understanding 
  • To raise the standard of achievement 
  • To encourage independent learning and develop the skills and attitudes needed for lifelong learning 
  • To support a valuable link between home and the school 
  • To develop students' ability to organise and manage their time well as well as a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in terms of their own learning 

At Belvidere School, we have a high expectation of the standard of homework set and the quality of the work completed by students at home. We value the work and the effort students put into their work. Learning at home is a valuable part of a good education and is an integral part of the curriculum.

Most subjects have one piece of work set per week, with the exception of art, drama and music at KS3 where homework is set once a fortnight. 

In years 10 and 11, this is a guideline and times may increase at certain times of the year for example to accommodate preparation for controlled assessments or revision for exams. 

Sometimes the work set will be short and for immediate completion and on other occasions, it may consist of an extended piece of work to be completed over several weeks. 

Homework is set via Go4Schools - details of how-to login can be found here

Homework is set using the schedule below: 

Year Approximate length of time per task​ Subject  Frequency
7 & 8 30 Minutes Maths, English, Science, RS, History, Geography, Languages, Technology​ Once per week
Art, Music, Drama, Computing, PE​ Once per fortnight
9 40 Minutes Maths, English, Science, RS, History, Geography, Languages, Technology​​ Once per week
Art, Music, Drama, Computing, PE​​ Once per fortnight
10 & 11 40 Minutes All Exam Subjects Once per week