PHSE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
PSHE is taught by year group specialists and delivered through the assembly programme. We also have two teams of specialist staff responsible for teaching RSE and Study Skills throughout the school.
Miss J Castree (PSHE coordinator)
PSHE and Citizenship Days
- Year 7 Safety & First Aid Day
- Year 8 Visit to Places of Worship
- Year 8 Health Day
- Year 9 Skills Show
- Year 9 Business & Enterprise Day
- Year 10 Business Studies Cadbury World Visit
- Year 10 Trip to Chester University
- Year 10 Business Studies Manchester United Visit
- Visit to Places of Worship
Visits from outside speakers:
- Road Safety Advisor
- Year 9 Holocaust Survivor Presentation
- Year 11 Post 16 education & careers fair
- National Citizenship Service summer programme
- Charity Representatives
- Shropshire Youth
- Active School Council
- Work Experience